Today I will show you one of the most important concept in any software developed using any programming language i.e "Faults Handling Framework ".Like in every other language there are number of mechanisms to handle exceptions that may arise while invoking certain piece of code. In BPEL as well there is a mechanism for handling faults.These faults should be handled and required actions should be taken in event of failure at any stage.There are two categories of BPEL faults:
- Business Faults
- Runtime Faults
Business faults are application-specific faults that are generated when there is a problem with the information being processed (for example, when a social security number is not found in the database). A business fault occurs when an application executes a throw activity or when an invoke activity receives a fault as a response. The fault name of a business fault is specified by the BPEL process service component.A business fault can be caught with a faultHandler using the faultName and a faultVariable.
<catch faultName="ns2:BusinessFault" faultVariable="BusinessFaultVar">
Runtime faults are the result of problems within the running of the BPEL process service component or web service (for example, data cannot be copied properly because the variable name is incorrect). These faults are not user-defined, and are thrown by the system. They are generated if the process tries to use a value incorrectly, a logic error occurs (such as an endless loop), a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) fault occurs in a SOAP call, an exception is thrown by the server, and so on.
Several runtime faults are automatically provided. These faults are included in the namespace. These faults are associated with the messageType RuntimeFaultMessage. The WSDL file shown below defines the messageType:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<definitions name="RuntimeFault"
<message name="RuntimeFaultMessage">
<part name="code" type="xsd:string" />
<part name="summary" type="xsd:string" />
<part name="detail" type="xsd:string" />
If a faultVariable (of messageType RuntimeFaultMessage) is used when catching the fault, the fault code can be queried from the faultVariable, along with the fault summary and detail.
A bindingFault is thrown inside an activity if the preparation of the invocation fails. For example, the WSDL of the process fails to load. A bindingFault is not retryable. This type of fault usually must be fixed by human intervention.
A remoteFault is also thrown inside an activity. It is thrown because the invocation fails. For example, a SOAP fault is returned by the remote service.
A replayFault replays the activity inside a scope. At any point inside a scope, this fault is migrated up to the scope. The server then re-executes the scope from the beginning.
In this example I'll demonstrate how to handle different types of BPEL faults inside any BPEL process and take required actions.BPEL process will be created based on a schema and it will be exposed as web service.To showcase diferent types of faults we will be using primarily two activities such as Throw and Catch.
Throw Activity is used to generates a fault from inside the business process.
Catch Activity is used to catch specific faults individually such as business,runtime or binding fault.Catch All activity catches all the faults that are not being catch in other catch activities.
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